Lazy Doc, Your documentation tool has arrived.

Table of Contents
All started with a conversation with my boss, I was talking to him about a game we play (Balatro, wonderful game), and suddenly he asked, Are you using AI to program ? I told him that current the state of the AI is not that good to suggesting production code, but it was good to suggest other things like explanations, suggest syntax fixes, etc... One of the problems we have in my company codebase is that we have so much undocumented code, which is not a big problem at all because we have a really clear API of how to interact but each time someone new comes to the project you need to explain the localized knowledge. We also talked about AI writing docs might be good, but we did not even know because we had not tested yet. That was how Lazy Doc idea came from.
What is Lazy Doc ?
Lazy Doc is a tool to improve your nonexistent or missing Elixir docs via AI. It detects undocumented functions, it gives the source code to the AI and it generates documentation based on it.
You just need to install it and configure it, execute mix lazy_doc
and boom
you have brand new documentation from scratch.
The purpose of Lazy Doc
is much bigger it aims to be a docs checker as well.
with mix lazy_doc.check
you can check if all the documentation under
documentation is documented. This check can be easily implemented in
the CI, so if you forget to document something CI will not pass.
Documentation criteria
Lazy Doc will only document functions which agree with the following criteria:
- Public functions not already documented. (already documented functions are ignored)
- Public functions without hidden documentation tag
@doc false
. (hidden docs function are ignored). - Private functions are ignored (but included in the prompt if they are auxiliary functions continue reading for more info).
so this way if lazy_doc.check
does not pass because of a function, you take one of
the following actions.
- Make the function private
- Make the doc hidden
- Document or just execute
mix lazy_doc
The main reason LazyDoc can be really good for your project, it is because it will enforce you to write documentation. Even if you don't want, it offers a good start template.
How is it built ?
Okay, you want to build a an automatic documentor right ? So the first step is to detect what the hell you should document and what you should not and leave it as it is.
So what alternatives do you have to detect undocumented functions.
You always need to read the file at least once and then you have multiple approaches.
Process line by line approach
This approach consist to check each line and look for search patterns, in our case
@doc whatever
on top of a function.
There are a bunch of problems with this approach:
- how do you get the code of a single function and its clauses ? you can try to
read lines until one end , but how do you know if it is an
of acase
or anend
of thedef
. - how do you retain the format of the file ?
- how do you detect inner inner modules ?
- how do you detect if a function is inside an inner module or not ?
As you can see this is a simple approach but it has a bunch of problems and probably many more problems which I had not thought because I did not even try to implement it this way.
So what is the alternative ?
ASTs for the king approach
Okay, so we are gonna try to detect functions through the AST of the module but first, let's explain what an AST is. An AST is a data structure which contains the syntax of the code, in fact it stands for Abstract Syntax Tree.
In Elixir an AST has always the same pattern.
{:defmodule = name, [...] = meta, [...] = children } = node
So you get the AST of file, via Code.string_to_quote()
For instance this module, it will have the corresponding AST
defmodule Example do
@doc "converts to string"
def number(n) do
Note: you can experiment with site if you want to experiment with ASTs
{:defmodule, [line: 1],
{:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:Example]},
do: {:__block__, [],
{:@, [line: 2],
{:doc, [line: 2],
["converts to string"]}
{:def, [line: 3],
{:number, [line: 3],
[{:n, [line: 3], nil}]},
do: {{:., [line: 4],
[line: 4], [:Kernel]},
]}, [line: 4],
[{:n, [line: 4], nil}]}
You can just pattern match the node you want and get the code from that node. for example:
{:def = name, [...] = meta, [...] = children } = ast_fun
In ast_fun
we have the sub ast of that function we just need to convert it
back to code and send it to analyze with AI, but just if it is not documented.
And you know that number
function is in the Example
module because it was in
their children nodes list.
How do you convert AST to String again ?
You can just use Macro.to_string(ast_fun)
. (There is some caviar on this,
continue reading).
How do we know if a function is already documented or not ?
Easy, you just need to call Code.fetch_docs(module)
which requires to give the name of
the module.
Not so fast, what happens if you have the same name of function with different number of arguments (different arities not clauses). This function will return you documentation for each different function in the language, but are 2 functions with the same name different from each other, just because their arity differs? The answer is YES, but does this make sense in the POV of documentation. Think for a moment of what coding situation would you use the same name with different arities.
Let's take a look this example:
## Look this function, does make sense if you hide the other functions ?
def fibs(n) do
fibs(n, [1, 0])
def fibs(1, [a, b | rest]), do: [a + b, a, b | rest]
def fibs(n, [a, b | rest]) do
fibs(n - 1, [a + b, a, b | rest])
Probably just because one of the functions is auxiliary of the other. So the auxiliary function does not make sense by itself and the entry point function does not make sense without the auxiliary. We need a way to group up the functions by name even if they have different arity and clauses (function same name and same arity) to send it to AI in a single prompt.
Fetch the prompt
Okay, you need a way to get the documentation using AI
So what you should do is to call an AI API, but which one ?
There is a bunch of AI APIs and everyone has its favorite AI. Not talking about if you want to use an internal model of the company, it could be really hard. So why not give freedom to call your own AI ?
You just need to implement the LazyDoc.Provider
behavior. This is the contract
that will use LazyDoc
to request the docs to API and extract them from the
Make a good prompt (AI is like a kid explain what you want).
Making a good prompt is really important for fetching the docs, you should specify your prompt always with at least one example and be precise with the format you want.
~s(You should describe the parameters based on the spec given and give a small description of the
following function.\n\nPlease do it in the following format given as an example, important do not
return the header of the function, do not return a explanation of the function, your output must
be only the docs in the following format:\n\nReturns the Transaction corresponding to
transaction_id\(Initial sentence indicating what returns the function\)\n\n## Parameters\n\n-
transaction_id - foreign key of the Transactions table.\n## Description\n Performs a search in the
database\n\nFunction to document:\n)
This is the default prompt the library will use, to this prompt you should concatenate the function code. Of course there is a bunch of attempts to get the right prompt and you need to even consider to be compliant with existing doc tools.
Insert the docs on the AST
To insert the doc in the AST you just need to create a @doc
node and insert it
just before def
but what if this def
node is in an inner module children. You need to find
first the children of the corresponding module. JUST pattern match, it will
work (complex pattern match but I promise, it will work). Once you have the
children, need to locate the def
node position in the children and then insert
it just one position before.
The end of the trip ?
And then transform the AST to String with Macro.to_string()
and write it to a
file right ?
WRONG, you just messed up all the format of the original file.
what? Where are my comments? it just deleted my comments during the entire process.
how do you fix it ?
The master talk about AST manipulation.
At this point, you are almost there, almost done, but you are kind of stuck because you want to preserve the code as it was. Remember this ?
leave the code as it is
It is one of the premises that we have at least to use it in production.
Surprise surprise, you have seen it before, it is the AST NINJA
talk. Actually
the name of the talk is The Elixir parser under microscope
by Arjan Scherpenisse
This talk is about how to preserve the code as it is after an AST manipulation. Basically what you need to do is what the Elixir Formatter does, Add tokenizer metadata to AST, store the comments outside the AST and merge it after all the AST manipulation.
Fortunately this talk was done years ago and the Elixir std library changed
according the talk recommendations, so we just need to use
with some options and then after the AST
manipulation use
|> quote_to_algebra(comments: comments, ...)
|> Inspect.Algebra.format(max_line_width_configured)
|> IO.iodata_to_binary()
This will preserve the format of the file.
Feature requests
After telling you how you can build LazyDoc, I can tell you what features request were requested.
- They requested a way to not have bloated documentation files, the issue users
found was that generating so much docs will cause the file incresize the size
dramtically. So in order to address it, I added the
option which allows you to write the doc in a separate markdown file and read the doc of that function at compile time.
Returns a list of documentation for each function in the specified modules.
## Parameters
- modules - a list of module names to extract documentation from.
## Description
Retrieves the documentation for functions in the given modules using Elixir's introspection capabilities.
def docs_per_module(modules) do
this way, you can enjoy a rich documentation without having big blocks of documentation before each function.
In the article, we focus on the functions because they were more interesting to analyze how they were done, but the library can also generate
based on the code of the module, but usually a module needs a context in the application in order to write their@moduledoc
so the feature request is to make a dependency module graph and include the dependency@moduledoc
or the code of dependency module in the prompt. (TO BE DONE). -
Another interesting feature is to clean all the docs, so this way you can regenerate them from scratch, so we have created a third task
mix lazy_doc.clean
which deletes all the@doc
annotations, but it keeps@doc false
annotations. -
Make a default prompt to generate docs compliant with
, this way when we generate the docs webpage, you can experience the documentation as it was a usual docs.
Making new projects make you learn a lot of stuff. Usually to share your projects, you need to write how to use them properly, that is the reason developers write docs. I do not know a bunch of people who likes writing docs or they have time to write them. Writing docs maybe does not add too much business value to the product you are building but it will add a huge value to developers building the product or the developers using your product and they are gonna be less prone to making mistakes.
Writing LazyDoc, it allows me to learn about deep aspects of the Elixir core, Elixir AST and learn what weird stuff you can do. For example
defmodule Hello do
defmodule Hello do
This is valid Elixir code, but it is not allowed in LazyDoc.
Writing LazyDoc, I realize that good software sometimes needs to be opinionated,
take a strong opinion a follow it until the end, for example external_doc
feature is really opinionated because some people will like to have the docs in
the code and some other will just like to see the code and not being distracted
but anything else. Another strong opinion that this library takes is what does
with the functions of the same name, basically we understand that they are the
same function to document even that for Elixir it is not. At least every
teammates I asked told me that 2 functions named the same are always related, so
it makes sense to document them together. Same nested named modules does not make
sense in almost any situation, so LazyDoc does not allow it because they have
the same AST structure.
Thank you very much for your reading effort.
You can support lazy_doc repo and if you are curious how LazyDoc docs look, LazyDoc is documented by LazyDoc itself you can check it in lazy_doc hexdocs